Personality Construct Measures

Measures of personality constructs assess distinct personality traits, such as empathy, self-esteem, and mastery. For more personality items, see also the International Personality Item Pool (IPIP). For measures assessing constellations of traits, see personality inventories. We separate measures into eight constructs:
  1. "Self" measures assess some facet of the self, such as image or esteem.
  2. Interpersonal measures assess facets of how the individual perceives or views others and includes such constructs as empathy and trust.
  3. Impulsiveness measures assess the tendency to act without forethought.
  4. Cultural differences measures assess dimensions on which cultures are thought to vary.
  5. Time orientation measures assess perceptions of time.
  6. Control measures assess perceptions of control as internal or external.
  7. Obsession, compulsion & perfectionism measures assess traits related to obsession, compulsion, and perfectionism.

"Self" Measures

Core Self-Evaluations Scale

Judge et al. (2003)
Grit Scale

Duckworth & Quinn (2009)

Lennox & Wolfe (1984)

Snyder (1974)
Self-Concept Clarity

Campbell et al. (1996)

Fenigstein et al. (1975)

Scheier & Carver (1985)

For related measures, see Constructs: Cultural Differences below

Cross et al. (2000)

Singelis (1994)

Coopersmith (1967, 1981)

Rosenberg (1965)

Forsman & Johnson (1996)

Interpersonal Measures

For related measures, see Motivation: Interpersonal

Rushton et al. (1981)

Hogan (1969)

Davis (1980)

Mehrabian & Epstein (1972)

Rosenberg (1956)

Foschi & Lauriola (2014)

Yamagishi & Yamagishi (1994)

Couch et al. (1996)
Views of Human Nature
(batteries of interpersonal measures including altruism and trust)

Wrightsman (1964)


Some of these measures are also listed under Risk: Related Personality Traits
or Inventories: Other
Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS)

Patton et al. (1995)
Dickman’s Impulsivity Inventory (DII)

Dickman (1990)
Eysenck’s Impulsivity Inventory

Eysenck & Eysenck (1978)
Sensation Seeking Scale (SSS)

Zuckerman et al. (1978)
Three-option Adaptive Discount Rate Measure (ToAD)

Yoon & Chapman (2016)
UPPS Impulsive Behavior Scale (UPPS/UPPS-P)

Whiteside & Lynam (2001)

Cultural Differences

For related measures, see Constructs: Self-Construal above
Cultural Cognition Worldview Scales (CCWS)

Kahan (2012)
Horizontal & Vertical Individualism & Collectivism I

Singelis et al. (1995)
Horizontal & Vertical Individualism & Collectivism II

Triandis & Gelfand (1998)
Internal vs. External Attribution Scale Under-Construction-supermini.gif

Morris & Peng (1994)
Relational-Interdependent Self-Construal

Cross et al. (2000)
Values Survey Module

Hofstede (1994, 1998, 2001, 2008)

Time Orientation

Consideration of Future Consequences

Strathman et al. (1994)
Dynamic Experiments for Estimating Preferences: Time (DEEP)

Toubia et al. (2012)
Elaboration on Potential Outcomes (EPO)

Nenkov et al. (2007)
Future Time Orientation

Gjesme (1975)
Propensity to Plan (PtP)

Lynch et al. (2010)


Internal-External Scale (I-E Scale)

Rotter (1966)
Spheres of Control

Paulhus (1983)

Obsession, Compulsion, & Perfectionism

Compulsive Activity Checklist - Revised (CAC-R)

Steketee & Freund (1991)
Hoarding Scale

Frost & Gross (1992)
Maudsley Obsessive Compulsive Inventory (MOCI)

Hodgson & Rachman (1980)
Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale

Frost et al. (1990)
Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale

Hewitt & Flett (1991)
Obsessive Compulsive Inventory - Revised (OCI-R)

Foa et al. (2002)
Obsessive Thoughts Questionnaire (OTQ)

Bouvard et al. (1989)
Vancouver Obsessional Compulsive Inventory (VOCI)

Thordarson et al. (2004)
