This page serves as a historical archive for the Society, including conference programs, newsletters, officers, and award winners.
Some early founders
of SJDM, at a predecessor meeting
Social, 2004
Joint SJDM/MDM symposia
Tribute to Duncan Luce, November 2013
Audio recording (m4a) of Leif Nelson's
interview of Danny Kahneman (2015)
Tribute to Paul Slovic (2015)
Tribute to
Baruch Fischhoff (2016)
Past Annual Meetings:
You can download the meeting programs and poster abstracts for
past meetings here.
2024: Program (with posters)
2023: Program (with posters)
2022: Program (with posters)
2021: Program (with posters)
2020: Program (with posters) (High Level Version)
2019: Program (with posters)
2018: Program (with posters)
2017: Program (with posters)
2016: Program (with posters)
2015: Program (with posters)
2014: Program (with posters)
2013: Program (with posters)
2012: Program (with posters)
2011: Program (with posters)
2010: Program (with posters)
2009: Program
2008: Program Posters
2007: Program Posters
2006: Program Posters
2005: Program
2004: Program Posters
2003: Program Posters
2002: Program with Posters
2001: Program with Posters
2000: Program Posters
1999: Program
1998: Program Posters
1997: Program Posters
1996: Program
1995: Program
1994: Program and poster titles
1994: Program
1993: Program
1992: Program
1991: Program
1991: Posters
1990: Program
1989: Program
1988: Program
1987: Program
1986: Program
1985: Program
1984: Program
1983: Program
1982: Program
1981: Program
1980: Program
Past Doctoral Symposia:
2024: Program, Recordings: Session 1, Session 2, Session 3
2023: Program
Presentation Slides and Posters:
Some members have provided a PDF of their slides and posters from SJDM meetings, which you can find here.
If you would like to upload your own slides or poster for an SJDM meeting, please do so here.
Mailing list archives (from 1994), (search)
Don Moore | 2024-2025 |
Joe Simmons | 2023-2024 |
Abigail Sussman | 2022-2023 |
Suzanne Shu | 2021-2022 |
Danny Oppenheimer | 2020-2021 |
Katy Milkman | 2019-2020 |
Nina Mazar | 2018-2019 |
Chris Hsee | 2017-2018 |
Rick Larrick | 2016-2017 |
Dan Goldstein | 2015-2016 |
Ellen Peters | 2014-2015 |
Gretchen Chapman | 2013-2014 |
Craig Fox | 2012-2013 |
George Wu | 2011-2012 |
Eldar Shafir | 2010-2011 |
Valerie Reyna | 2009-2010 |
Dan Ariely | 2008-2009 |
Michael Birnbaum | 2007-2008 |
Jon Baron | 2006-2007 |
John Payne | 2005-2006 |
Maya Bar-Hillel | 2004-2005 |
Eric Johnson | 2003-2004 |
Josh Klayman | 2002-2003 |
George Loewenstein | 2001-2002 |
David Budescu | 2000-2001 |
Thomas Wallsten | 1999-2000 |
Irwin P. Levin | 1998-1999 |
Elke Weber | 1997-1998 |
Hal R. Arkes | 1996-1997 |
Barbara Mellers | 1995-1996 |
Terry Connolly | 1994-1995 |
J. Frank Yates | 1993-1994 |
Daniel Kahneman | 1992-1993 |
Robin M. Hogarth | 1991-1992 |
Baruch Fischhoff | 1990-1991 |
Lola L. Lopes | 1989-1990 |
Robyn M. Dawes | 1988-1989 |
Kenneth R. Hammond | 1987-1988 |
James C. Shanteau | 1986-1987 |
Past SJDM Secretary/Treasurers:
(including service prior to the formal establishment of SJDM in 1986)
Bud Fennema | 2003- |
Sandra Schneider | 2000-2002 |
Colleen Moore | 1997-1999 |
Irwin Levin | 1994-1996 |
Terry Connolly | 1991-1993 |
Gary McClelland | 1990 |
Stephen Edgell | 1986-1989 |
Gary McClelland | 1981-1985 |
Past SJDM Newsletter Editors:
(including service prior to the formal establishment of SJDM in 1986)
Dan Goldstein | 2006- |
Warren Thorngate | 2003-2006 |
Steve Edgell | 2000-2003 |
Shawn Curley | 1992-1999 |
John Castellan | 1981-1991 |
Einhorn-Hogarth Award:
Every year, SJDM awards the Hillel Einhorn Award to the
best paper by a young investigator. The winner is announced at the
annual meeting, and invited to present the winning paper.
The winner is determined by committee appointed by the Executive Board of
SJDM. The committee announces the eligibility criteria and the relevant
deadlines in the SJDM newsletter and on the SJDM website a few months
before the annual meeting.
Past winners of the award and titles of the winning papers:
2023 | Michael Kardas | "Unnecessarily Divided: Civil Conversations Reduce Attitude Polarization More Than People Expect" |
Runner up: Matt Meister | "Consumers Believe Star Ratings Are Comparable Even When They Are Not" | |
2023 | Eitan Rude | "People Endorse Harsher Policies in Principle Than in Practice" |
Runner up: Ariel Fridman | "Dominance Effects in the Wild" | |
Runner up: Indira Puri | "Simplicity and Risk" | |
2022 | Diag Davenport and Yuji K. Winet | "Pivotal Voting: The Opportunity To Tip Group Decisions Skews Juries and Other Voting Outcomes" |
Runner up: Wenjia Joyce Zhao | "Computational Mechanisms For Context-Based Behavioral Interventions: A Large-Scale Analysis" | |
2021 | Ori Plonsky | Plonsky, Ori, Chen, Daniel L. and Netzer, Liat and Steiner, Talya and Feldman, Yuval "Best to Be Last: Serial Position Effects in Legal Decisions in the Field and in the Lab" |
2020 | Kristin Donnelly | "Time Periods Feel Longer When They Span More Category Boundaries: Evidence From the Lab and the Field" |
Runner up: Celia Gaertig & Robert Mislavsky | ||
2019 | Joshua Lewis | Joshua Lewis & Joseph P. Simmons, "Prospective Outcome Bias: Incurring (Unnecessary) Costs to Achieve Outcomes That Are Already Likely" |
2018 | Asa Palley | Asa Palley and Jack Soll. Extracting the Wisdom of Crowds When Information is Shared. |
2017 | Theresa F. Kelly | Theresa F. Kelly and Joseph Simmons. When does making detailed predictions make predictions worse? Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 145 (October), pp. 1298-1311. |
Runner up: Patrick Bodilly Kane | Kane, P. and S. Broomell (2017) “Detecting Systematic Errors in Forecasting with Kernel Smoothers: Evidence for Environmental Noise Propagation,” | |
2016 | Minah H. Jung and Hannah Perfecto | Minah H. Jung, Hanna Perfecto and Leif D. Nelson. Anchoring in payment: Evaluating a judgmental heuristic in field experimental settings. Journal of Marketing Research (2015), 53(3), 354-368. |
Runner up: Alice Moon | The uncertain value of uncertainty: When consumers are unwilling to pay for what they like. (submitted). | |
Runner up: Cary Frydman and Gideon Nave | Cary Frydman and Gideon Nave. Extrapolative beliefs in perceptual and economic decisions: Evidence of a common mechanism. Management Science (forthcoming). | |
2015 | Molly Crockett | Crockett, M. J., Kurth-Nelson, Z., Siegel, J. Z., Dayan, P., & Dolan, R. J. (2014). Harm to others outweighs harm to self in moral decision making. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(48), 17320-17325 |
Runner up: Florian Zimmermann | Enke, Benjamin, and Florian Zimmermann. "Correlation neglect in belief formation." | |
Runner up: Luxi Shen | Shen, Luxi, Ayelet Fishbach, and Christopher K. Hsee. The Motivating-Uncertainty Effect: Uncertainty Increases Resource Investment in the Process of Reward Pursuit. Journal of Consumer Research 41.5 (2015): 1301-1315. | |
2014 | Alex Imas | Imas, A. (2014). The realization effect: Risk-taking after realized versus paper losses. |
2013 | Sudeep Bhatia | Associations and the accumulation of preference. Psychological Review (2013). doi: 10.1037/a0032457 |
Runner up: Jennifer Trueblood | Trueblood, J. S., Brown, S. D., & Heathcote, A. (2013). The Multi-attribute Linear Ballistic Accumulator Model of Context Effects in Multi-alternative Choice. | |
2012 | Christopher Olivola | Olivola, C. Y., & Shafir, E. (2011). The martyrdom effect: When pain and effort increase prosocial contributions. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. DOI: 10.1002/bdm.767 |
Runner up: Ed O'Brien | Emotional pasts and rational futures: A redistribution of mind over time. (Unpublished in 2012, but later published in Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 144(3), 624-638, with a different title). | |
2011 | Kanchan Mukherjee | Mukherjee, K. (2010). A dual system model of preferences under risk. Psychological Review, 117(1), 243-255. |
Runner up: Daniel Bartels & Oleg Urminsky | Bartels, D. M., & Urminsky, O. (2011). On intertemporal selfishness: How the perceived instability of identity underlies impatient consumption. The Journal of Consumer Research, 38(1), 182-198. doi: 10.1086/658339 | |
Runner up: Shoham Choshen-Hillel | Choshen-Hillel, S., & Yaniv, I. (in press). Agency and the construction of social preference: Between inequality aversion and prosocial behavior. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology | |
Runner up: Christopher Olivola | Olivola, C. Y., & Shafir, E. (in press). The martyrdom effect: When pain and effort increase prosocial contributions. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. | |
Runner up: Anuj Shah | Shah, A. K., & Oppenheimer, D. M. (2011). Grouping Information for Judgments. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 140(1), 1-13. doi: 10.1037/A0021946 | |
2010 | Stefan Herzog | Herzog, S. M., & Hertwig, R. (2009). The wisdom of many in one mind: Improving individual judgments with dialectical bootstrapping. Psychological Science, 20, 231–237. |
2009 | Evan Polman | Polman, E. (2009). Differences in making choices for the self versus for others: A reversal of the choice overload effect.
[Polman, E. (2012). Effects of self-other decision making on regulatory focus and choice overload. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 102, 980-993.] |
2008 | Tim Pleskac | Pleskac, T. J. (2008). Decision making and learning while taking sequential risks. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 34, 167-185. |
2007 | Daniel M. Oppenheimer, Anouk S. Schneider, Greg Detre | VAMP (Voting Agent Model of Preferences): A Computational Model of Individual Multi-attribute Choice |
2006 | Neil Stewart | Stewart, N., Chater, N., & Brown, G. D. A. (2006). Decision by sampling. Cognitive Psychology, 53, 1-26. |
2004 | Joseph Johnson | Johnson, J. G., & Busemeyer, J. R. (2005). A dynamic, stochastic, computational model of preference reversal phenomena. Psychological Review, 112, 841-861. |
2002 | Robyn LeBoeuf | Identity-based choice and preference inconsistency |
2000 | Dan Ariely and Jonathan Levav | Ariely, D., & Levav, Y.. (2000), Sequential Choice in Group Settings: Taking the Road Less Traveled and Less Enjoyed. Journal of Consumer Research, 27 (3) 279-290 |
1998 | Michael Dougherty | Dougherty. M. Minerva-DM: A memory processes model for judgmentsof likelihood |
1996 | Michael Morris and Richard Larrick | Morris, M. W., & Larrick, R. P. (1995). When one cause casts doubt onanother: A normative analysis of discounting in causal attribution. Psychological Review, 102, 331-355. |
1994 | Craig McKenzie | McKenzie, C. R. M. (1994). The accuracy of intuitive judgmentstrategies: Covariation assessment and Bayesian inference. Cognitive Psychology, 26, 209-239. |
1992 | Eldar Shafir | Shafir, E. Choosing versus rejecting: Why some options are bothbetter and worse than others. |
1990 | Yechiel Klar | Klar, Y. (1990). Linking structures and sensitivity to judgment-relevant information in statistical and logical tasks. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 59, 841-858. |
1988 | George Loewenstein | Loewenstein, G. (1988). Frames of mind in intertemporal choice. Management Science, 34, 200-214. |
Best Student Poster Award:
The Best Student Poster Award recognizes the outstanding poster authored
by a students member of the society at the annual meeting. Posters are
judged by an ad-hoc committee according to predefined criteria.
Winners and runners up:
2024 | 1st place: Shelly Tsang, University of Virginia | Evaluations of what is a good or bad use of time |
2nd place: Maué Pantoja, University of Zurich | A Meta-Analysis Synthesizing 20 Years of Evidence on the Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART) | |
Hon. mention: Ty Longmire-Monford, Leeds School of Business | No Logo: The Effect of Brand Attribution on Partisan News Consumption | |
Hon. mention: Raina Zhang, New York University | AI-induced Indifference: Unfair AI Reduces Prosociality | |
Hon. mention: Max Spohn, Harvard University | Beyond extremity: Underestimating the ideological complexity of outgroup members’ opinions drives partisan animosity | |
2023 | 1st place: M. Leonor Neto | Pay or Donate? How Language Shapes Generosity |
2nd place: Olivia Fischer | Polarization in a Global State of Emergency: Quantifying Heterogeneity in Perceived Risks of Pandemic Mitigation Measures | |
Hon. mention: Daniella Turetski | Too Little, Too Late: The Impact of Timing on the Effectiveness of Mandated Financial Disclosures | |
Hon. mention: Roman Gallardo | Competitive Climates Increase Material and Symbolic Zero-sum Beliefs | |
Hon. mention: Tyler Fraser MacDonald | Ownership Aversion: Self-Signaling Underlies Preferences for Consumption without Ownership | |
2022 | 1st place: Molly Moore | The reputational benefits of selective exposure to partisan information |
2nd place: Hannah Perkins Stark | Predictive utility of risk profiles | |
Hon. mention: Sean Devine | Decoy Effects in a Massive Real-World Retail Dataset | |
Hon. mention: Jessica Reif | Anchoring the Advisor: Do decision makers induce cognitive biases in their advisors when asking for advice? | |
Hon. mention: Matt Meister | Consumption Context Influences User-generated Product Ratings | |
2021 | 1st place: Ilana Brody | From Warm Glow to Cold Chill: Choice Avoidance in Charitable Donations |
2nd place: Matt Meister | User-Generated Star Ratings Are Not Inherently Comparative | |
Hon. mention: Michelle Kim | Less is More (Natural): The Impact of the Number of Ingredients on Consumers’ Perceptions and Preferences | |
Hon. mention: Linnea Gandhi | Problems with Premortems: Self-Serving Attribution Bias in a Popular Debiasing Strategy | |
Hon. mention: Yusu Wang | When More is Not Better: Financial Constraints Jeopardize Sustainability by Increasing Preferences for Quantity Over Quality | |
2020 | 1st place: Yang Guo | Signaling Status by Acquiring Ownership (vs. Access) |
2nd place: Ariel Fridman | The Cost of Opposition: Harming Our Own Rather Than Helping an Opponent | |
Hon. mention: Shoshana Segal | Alleviating Risk Aversion to Uncertain Impact Donations | |
Hon. mention: Feidhlim McGowan | Framing Numerical Sequences as Household Bills Partially Corrects Underestimation From Intuitive Summation | |
Hon. mention: Samuel Skowronek | The Problem with (and a Solution to) the Dominant Behavioral Ethics Paradigms | |
2019 | 1st place: Andras Molnar | Choosing the Light Meal: Real-time Aggregation of Calorie Information Reduces Meal Calories |
2nd place: Lin Fei | The Bell Curve Is Counter-Intuitive | |
Hon. mention: Katie Mehr | Payling Less to Do More: Harnessing The Motivational Power of Streaks in an Incentive Scheme | |
Hon. mention: Alexander Park | The Benefits of Social-Digital Platforms on Peer Debt Repayments | |
Hon. mention: Heather Yang | Cognitive style impacts preference for advice seeking from AI | |
2018 | 1st place: Corey H. Allen | Justice at all costs? Transparency about the costs of incarceration decreases lay sentencing recommendations |
2nd place: Ike Silver | Doing good for (maybe) nothing: Motive inferences when rewards are uncertain | |
Hon. mention: Ming-Hui Li | Prosociality increases in harsh and unpredictable environments | |
Hon. mention: Liang Huang | Dynamic budget monitoring: When feedback leads to spending acceleration | |
Hon. mention: Hayley Blunden | The impersonal touch: Improving feedback-giving with interpersonal distance | |
2017 | 1st place: Jennifer K. Lee | Being unique makes us similar? |
2nd place: Ruben Laukonnen | The phenomenology of truth: The Aha! experience predicts accurate decisions in contexts of uncertainty or where problem solving or retrieval processes are hidden from awareness. | |
Hon. mention: Emily Powell | Fighting the pain of giving: How adding time delays to donation pledges increases charitable giving | |
Hon. mention: Alicea J. Lieberman | How incentive framing can harness the power of norms | |
Hon. mention: Kristen Duke | Integrating purchase and quantity decisions increases sales by providing closure | |
2016 | 1st place: Kruti M. Vekaria | Donating a kidney to a stranger: Social discounting and costly altruism |
2nd place: Caitlin Drummond | Putting on your thinking cap: Priming scientific reasoning produces critical but biased evaluations of scientific evidence | |
Hon. mention: Jasmine Mahmoodi | Using insights from behavioural economics: Electricity tariff design and acceptance | |
Hon. mention: Eric P. Duhaime | The impact of inclement weather on voting behavior in U.S. presidential elections | |
Hon. mention: Julian J. Zlatev | When trying to be moral prevents doing good | |
2015 | 1st place: Gabriela Tonietto | Calendar Mindset: Scheduling Takes the Fun Out and Puts the Work In |
2nd place: Caitlin Drummond | Development and validation of a scientific reasoning scale | |
Hon. mention: Catrine Jacobsen | Stealing Diamonds - an eye-tracking study of (did)honesty | |
Hon. mention: Marcus Mayorga | Ebola outbreak: A longitudinal study of risk perception | |
Hon. mention: Asa Palley | Estimating continuous distributions by quantifying errors in probability judgments | |
2014 | 1st place: Rachel Meng | Signal diversity in recommendations |
2nd place: Robert Mislavsky | Risk is Weird | |
Hon. mention: Emma Levine | Prosocial lies: When deception breeds trust | |
Hon. mention: Agnes Scholz | Tracking eye movements to reveal memory processes during rule- versus similarity-based decision making | |
Hon. mention: Alaina Talboy | Improving Accuracy in Bayesian Inference Problems through Training | |
2013 | 1st place: Jenny G. Olson | A penny saved is a partner earned: The romantic appeal of savers |
2nd place: Bradford Tuckfield | Quitting: The downside of great expectations in professional tennis | |
Hon. mention: H. Min Bang | The longer you look back, the farther you can look forward: Past duration predicts individual and collective environmental decision making | |
Hon. mention: Daphna Motro | Why are you mad? The effect of different anger sources on cooperation | |
Hon. mention: Brian D. Vickers | Value beyond context and elicitation: Values construed on the spot influence more than decisions on the spot | |
2012 | 1st place: Zachary Burns | "It all happened so slow!" The impact of action speed on assessments of intentionality |
2nd place: Jessica Thierman | Evaluations of double frames: Rethinking the valence-consistent shift | |
3d place: Louise Meilleur | Covert attention manipulations influence choice | |
4th place: Shuli Yu | Improving confidence judgments by taking more time | |
5th place: Elizabeth Keenan | Driving pro-environmental choice | |
2011 | 1st place: Vanessa Janowski | Loss aversion in risky choice is modulated by differential attention to losses |
2nd place: Jingjing Ma | The effect of countability on satisfaction | |
Runner up: Janina Hoffman | How distraction can improve judgment processes | |
Runner up: Gordon Pennycook | Rationality and religion: Reasoning style predicts religiosity | |
Runner up: Dirk Wulff | Adaptive information search and decision making in the short and long run | |
2010 | 1st place: Sunita Sah | More affected = more neglected: Amplification of bias in advice to the unidentified and many |
2nd place: Adrian Camilleri | Estimation and choice in a sequential sampling paradigm | |
3d place: Gregory J. Koop | Beyond process tracing: Response dynamics in risky decision making | |
3d place: Mike Yeomans | Matching incentives and motivation | |
3d place: Adam Zwickle | Creating distance where there is none: Can psychological distancing be used to solve real world problems? | |
2009 | Winner: Abigail B. Sussman, with Christopher Olivola | Axing the taxman: The psychology of tax aversion |
Runner up: Uriel Haran, with Don A. Moore, & Carey K. Morewedge | A simple remedy for overprecision in judgment | |
2nd runner up: Teresa Gavaruzzi, with Brian Zikmund-Fisher, Peter Ubel, & Angela Fagerlin | One decision at a time or the whole path at once? When the way information is provided affect prostate cancer decision making | |
2008 | Winner: Maria Anderson with Tommy Gärling | Majority and minority influences in simulated financial markets |
Runner up: Emily Waldum with Lili Sahakyan | The positive time order and its relationship with memory and context | |
2nd runner up: Paul Litvak with Carey Morewedge | Eating to even: How retail and sunk costs influence the consumption of bulk goods | |
2007 | Winner: Christopher Olivola with Stephanie Wang | Patience Auctions: Using Novel Auction Mechanisms to Elicit Discount Rates Under Time or Money Framing |
Runner up: Benjamin Scheibehenne with Jörg Rieskamp and Claudia González-Vallejo | Comparing the decision field theory with the proportional difference model for decisions under risk | |
2nd runner up: Edward Cokely with Colleen Kelley | Mechanisms of Superior Judgment Under Uncertainty: Rational Choices from Simple Heuristics and Elaborative Strategie | |
2006 | Winner: Jeff Galak with Leif Nelson | Complexity is Good: When Disfluent Communication Signals Author Erudition |
Runner up: Samuel Bond | Feeling vs. Knowing: A Dual-Systems Approach to Risky Choice | |
2nd runner up: Michael Luchs with Rebecca Naylor, Julie Irwin, and Rajagopal Raghunathan | Is There an Expected Trade-off Between a Product's Ethical Value and Its Effectiveness? | |
2005 | Winner: Eran Magen with James Gross | TV or not TV: Changing the Reward Value of Temptation through Cognitive Re-Construal |
First runner up: Laura Smarandescu with Douglas Wedell and Randall Rose | Two Peas in a Pod: Attribute Mutability in Across-Category Product Associations | |
Carey Morewedge with Michael Berkovits, Boaz Keysar, and Daniel Gilbert | Hedonic Invisibility: Spreading Small Gains Too Thin | |
2004 | Winner: An Oskarsson with Reid Hastie, Gary McClelland, and Leaf Van Boven | Prediction and generation of sequences |
First runner up: Crystal Hall with Alexander Todorov | When more information is less: The illusion of knowledge in the prediction of uncertain events | |
Second runner up: Hannah Faye Chua with Frank Yates and Priti Shah | Risk avoidance: Pictures versus numbers | |
2003 | Winner: Chuck Tate with Bertram Malle | Mental simulation of the future: An explanation-based account |
First runner up: Aaron Reid with Claudia Gonzalez-Vallejo, Elizabeth Mitchell, and Brent Funderburk | Quantifying central-route persuasion effects in consumer product tradeoffs | |
Second runner up: Jen Shang with Rachel Croson | Social comparison and public goods provision in the field | |
2002 | Winner: Liat Hadar with Ilan Fischer | Perception, processing, and de-biasing of vague probabilities |
First runner up: Bonnie Sonnenschein with Peter Shizgal | Tests of the peak-and-end model of retrospective evaluation in laboratory rats responding for brain stimulation | |
Second runner up: Candy Fong with Dilip Soman | Something more than reciprocity: Relationship accounting | |
2001 | Winner: Daniel Oppenheimer with Barbara Tversky | Implications of a voting theory framework for decision making |
First Runner up: Lisa Kath with Jim Holzworth | Using social judgment theory to compare court rulings and layperson judgments of real sexual harassment court cases | |
Second Runner up: Deborah Small with George Loewenstein | Helping 'THE' victim or helping 'A' victim: Altruism and identifiability | |
2000 | Winner: Robyn LeBoeuf with Eldar Shafir | Anchoring in Time Estimation Tasks |
First Runner up: Matt Jones with Winston R. Sieck | The Advantage of Bias Towards Reliance on Recent Events: Evidence from Judgment in Autocorrelated Ecologies | |
Second Runner up: Dean Yoshizumi with Irwin Levin | Written Probability Gambles are More Certain Than Graphical Displays | |
1999 | Winner: Barbara Fasolo with Gary McClelland | Tracing Decision Processes on the Web |
First Runner up: Mara Mather with Eldar Shafir and Marcia Johnson | Memory for Choices We made Vs. Choices Others Made for Us | |
Second Runner up: Alan Sanfrey with Reid Hastie | A Comparative Strength Model for Judgment | |
1998 | Winner: Mandeep Dhami with Peter Ayton | Legal Decision Making the Fast and Frugal Way |
First Runner up: Christine M. Caffray with Sandra L. Schneider and Michele Devaux | Guessing Who You Are by Your Handwriting: Prototypicality Helps Accuracy but Not Confidence | |
Second Runner up: Ryan B. Opel with Eric R. Stone | Developing Accuracy in Probability Judgments: The Distinction Between Calibration and Substantive Expertise |
Best Paper Award:
The Best Paper Award is given to the best JDM paper published exactly three years earlier, judged by SJDM conference reviewers and the SJDM Best Paper Award committee.
2024 | Winner: Gabrielle S. Adams, Benjamin A. Converse, Andrew H. Hales, & Leidy E. Klotz | People systematically overlook subtractive changes. |
Honorable Mention: Nicholas Reinholtz, Philip P. Fernbach, & Bart De Langhe | Do people understand the benefit of diversification? | |
Honorable Mention: Samuel M. Hartzmark, Samuel D. Hirshman, & Alex Imas | Ownership, Learning, and Beliefs. | |
2023 | Winner: Berkeley Dietvorst and Soaham Bharti | People reject algorithms in uncertain decision domains because they have diminishing sensitivity to forecasting error. |
Honorable Mention: Alissa Fishbane, Aurelie Ouss and Anuj K. Shah | Behavioral nudges reduce failure to appear for court. | |
Honorable Mention: Alice Moon and Leif Nelson | The uncertain value of uncertainty: When consumers are unwilling to pay for what they like. |
John Castellan Service Award:
The John Castellan SJDM Service Award is named after the first Newsletter
Editor of the society. It is given following special recommendation of
the Executive Board and it honors individuals who have given significant
service to the society.
Recipients of the award:
Crystal Hall | 2021 |
Dave Hardisty | 2021 |
Bud Fennema | 2011 |
Jon Baron | 2011 |
Sandy Schneider | 2002 |
Steve Edgell | 2002 |
Alan Schwartz | 2000 |
Shawn Curley | 2000 |
Alan Cooke | 2000 |
Steve Edgell | 1997 |
James Shanteau | 1996 |
Chuck Gettys | 1996 |
John Castellan | 1993 |
Jane Beattie Memorial Travel Scholarship
Year | Winners and affiliations at time of award |
2024 |
Eoin Cremen, University of Bath, UK Aaron Shine, University of Bath, UK Geers Michael, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Germany Huang Hsuan-Che, University of British Columbia, Canada Nicolas Beauvais, University of Paris, France Peter Wallmueller, INSEAD, France Shemal Dosh, INSEAD, France Yair Nahari, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel Jeremie Beucler, University of Paris, France Tobias Rebholz, University of Tubingen, Germany |
2023 |
Aikaterini Voudouri, University Paris Cité, UK Arthur Marie Xavier Claude Le Pargneux, University of Warwick, UK Elena Bocchi, City University of London, UK Gafari Abiodun Lukumon, University Mohammed VI Polytechnic - Morocco (& Institut Ecole Normale Supérieure - France) Grusha Agarwal, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Canada Mathilde Tonnesen, Aarhus University, Denmark Maya Leschkowitz, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel Minwen Yang, University of Toronto, Canada Peter Felix Wallmueller, INSEAD, France Qiong Xia, INSEAD, France |
2022 | Christian Elbaek, Aarhus University, Denmark |
2021 | Burcak Bas, Bocconi University, Italy |
2019 | Gizem Yalcin, Erasmus University, The Netherlands |
2018 | Ray Charles (Chuck) Howard, University of British Columbia |
2017 | Maragarita Leib, University of Amsterdam |
Gianni Ribeiro, University of Queensland, Australia | |
2016 | Rose Martin, Kingston University, United Kingdom |
2015 | Alex Cooke, Kingston University, United Kingdom |
2015 | Tom Gordon-Heckner, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel |
2014 | Andrea Pittarello, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel |
2014 | Martine Nurek, Division of Health and Social Care Research, King's College London |
2012 | Ellen Evers, Department of Psychology, University of Tilburg, The Netherlands |
2012 | Yasmina Okan, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Granada, Spain |
2011 | Teresa Gavaruzzi, Leeds Institute of Health Sciences, University of Leeds, UK |
2010 | Adrian Camilleri, School of Psychology, University of New South Wales, Australia |
2009 | Shaul Shalvi, Department of Psychology, University of Amsterdam |
Benjamin Hilbig, Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences, University of Mannheim | |
2008 | Shoham Choshen-Hillel, Department of Psychology, Hebrew University, Jerusalem |
Petko Kusev, Department of Psychology, City University, London | |
2007 | Bernadette Kamleitner, Department of Economic Psychology, Educational Psychology and Evaluation Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna |
Guido Baltussen, Erasmus School of Economics and Tinbergen Institute | |
2006 | Irina Cojuharenco, Graduate Program in Economics and Management, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) |
2005 | Ted Martin Hedesstrom, Department of Psychology, Göteborg University |
2004 | Talya Miron-Shatz, Psychology Department, Hebrew University, Jerusalem |
2003 | Liat Hadar, Department of Behavioral Science, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev |
2002 | Kirsten Volz, Max-Planck-Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, Leipzig |
Boris Maciejovsky, Max Planck Institute for Research into Economic Systems, Jena | |
2000 | Simone Moran, School of Management, Ben Gurion University of the Negev |
Mandeep Dhami, Department of Psychology, City University, London | |
1999 | Anne M. Stiggelbout, Medical Decision Making Unit, Leiden University Medical Center |
Frank A. Drews, Department of Psychology, Technical University of Berlin |
J. Frank Yates Memorial Student Travel Award
Year | Winners and affiliations at time of award |
2024 |
Edona Selimaj, University of Münster Elizabeth Champlin, The University of Toledo Emily Neu Line, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Erin Bugbee, Carnegie Mellon University Jerry Richardson, Cornell University Jinyi Kuang, University of Pennsylvania Jocelyn Grabke, Northwestern University Kasandra Alexa Vazquez, Nova Southeastern University Mika Guzikevits, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Minghui Ni, Cornell University Noa Palmon, Technion Israel Institute of Technology Sinem Yilmaz, university of illinois at chicago Xiaohong Cai, Indiana University Bloomington Yair Nahari, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Yang Huang, University of Pennsylvania |
2023 |
Hamza Tariq, University of Waterloo Kerem Oktar, Princeton University Minwen Yang, University of Toronto Michael Eber, Harvard University Jenny Chang, Carnegie Mellon University Yang Gao, New York University Shira Garber, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Yasemin Genc, City, University of London Meiying Wang, London Business School Amanda Nerenberg, University of Pennsylvania Paul Andrew Blythe, University of Colorado Boulder Sydney Roux, Louisiana State University Kianté Fernandez, University of California, Los Angeles XU Feiyu, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Madeline Chance, Middle Tennessee State University Hui Zhang, Iowa State University |
2022 |
Samantha Smith Zhiying (Bella) Ren Daniella Turetski Muhammad Asif Katherine Sanchez Nina M. Sooter Eriselda Danaj Kaiden Stewart Kevin Chi Brittany Nelson Nurit Nobel Jane Elizabeth Miller Bingjie Li Liman Wang Elisa Tedaldi |
Minutes of Board/Business Meetings (members only)
Web page maintained by Jon Westfall; image by Gaëlle Vallée-Tourangeau.