The Society for Judgment and Decision Making

The Society for Judgment and Decision Making is an interdisciplinary academic organization dedicated to the study of normative, descriptive, and prescriptive theories of judgments and decisions. Its members include psychologists, economists, organizational researchers, decision analysts, and other decision researchers. The Society's primary event is its Annual Meeting, at which Society members present their research. It also publishes the journal Judgment and Decision Making. Information about SJDM membership is here.

SJDM Annual Meeting 2024
This year's Annual Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making will be held in New York City, NY, November 22-25, 2024 (Friday-Monday). Conference Registration is OPEN. (Regular registration this year is $650, or $350 for students/post-docs, until Nov 6. After Nov 6 a $100 late fee is added. Note: you must be a member of SJDM to register for the conference. You can join SJDM here. Annual membership dues are $50, or $15 for students.)

We are once again holding our conference alongside the Psychonomic Society's annual meeting at the New York Marriott Marquis. Conference hotel rates are available here. (Note that the Marriott Marquis may be fully booked, but the Sheraton New York Times Square may still have rooms available.) We currently anticipate that all presentations will be held on-site, and all presenters should plan to be present in person.

Decisions on presentation submissions were sent out via email on Tuesday Aug 20th around 3pm Pacific Time. If you submitted a presentation but did not receive a decision email, you can check the status of your submission by contacting the program committee at or the webmaster at

Save the dates in your calendar:
SJDM Conference: November 22-25

We're excited to see you in New York City!

Your Program Committee
Jennifer Trueblood (chair), Silvia Saccardo, and Berkeley Dietvorst

* Technical website questions can be addressed to David Hardisty ( and all other conference related questions can be addressed to the program chair Jennifer Trueblood ( or the entire program committee (

SJDM Awards
2024 Awards
The Society for Judgment and Decision Making pleased to announce that it is currently inviting submissions for the 2024 Hillel Einhorn New Investigator Award.

2023 Awards
Congratulations to the 2023 Best Poster award winners, the Einhorn award winners, the Yates award winners, the Beattie award winners, and the Best Paper award winners!

SJDM/EADM virtual symposium 2024
The symposium took place on June 13th, 2024, from 9-11am CDT (e.g. Chicago). The general topic of this symposium was “Honesty and Everyday [Im]Moral Behavior”

Links to recordings will be posted here soon.

The schedule was as follows (in CDT, e.g. Chicago):

09:00 to 09:25 am – Ori Weisel (Title: Corrupt Collaboration Around the Globe)

09:25 to 09:50 am – Valerio Capraro (Title: Corrupting the prosocial people: does cooperation framing increase bribery engagement among prosocial individuals?)

09:50 to 10:10 am -- Breakout rooms with networking and discussion

10:10 to 10:35 am -- Emma E. Levine (Title: Difficult conversations and the psychology of honesty)

10:35 to 11:00 am – Q&A and discussion

On May 13, 2024, we hosted the second annual SJDM doctoral symposium. Here is the program and recordings of each session:

Session 1. Get to know the different SJDM subcommunities
JDM is a very diverse field, with members belonging to many different subfields and disciplines (psychology, marketing, OB, policy, economics, etc.). This session featured Q&A with a panel of renowned faculty representing different subfields within the community.
Panelists: Vanessa Bohns (Cornell), David Munguia Gomez (Yale), Silvia Saccardo (CMU), Dan Schley (Erasmus)

Session 2. SJDM student poster award winning showcase
This session featured presentations by the winners of the SJDM student poster awards and honorable mentions from the last edition of the annual meeting.
Presenters: Tyler Fraser MacDonald (Boston U), Daniella Turetski (U Toronto), M. Leonor Neto (NYU), Olivia Fischer (University of Zurich), Roman Gallardo (U Chicago)

Session 3. SJDM Industry Collaboration Panel
This session was offered for students eager to learn about opportunities outside academic spaces, and also highlight the contributions of SJDM scholars working in industry.
Panelists: Lily Jampol (ReadySet), Emily Rosenzweig (Ascension Health), Dan Walco (Yankees), Rich Truncellito (Airbnb)

2024 Doctoral Consortium Committee (members rotate upward):
Chair: Margaret Echelbarger (through 2026)
Planning: Ioannis Evangelidis (through 2027)
Planning + Coordinating 2024 SJDM Poster Competition: Ellen Evers (through 2028)

Annual Meeting Presentations Archive

If you presented last year, or will present this year, please consider uploading your presentation slides or poster to the SJDM meeting archive:

Here are are the talks and posters from past and upcoming meetings (including submissions for the student-poster award).

Upload your poster or slides here (from any year, including this one).

Past and future meetings
Past meeting programs can be found here.

Tentative schedule for future meetings:
2024 - New York, NY, November 22-25
2025 - Denver, CO, November 21-24
2026 - San Diego, CA, November 21-24
2027 - New Orleans, LA, November 20-23

SJDM meetings are typically in tandem with those of the Psychonomic Society, which provides assistance to us in various ways.

Mailing lists and other email:

Mail from is often classified as spam. Please put on your safe sender list if you have one. Just moving mail out of a spam folder may do this. Do not use Microsoft addresses (@hotmail, @outlook, @live, @msn). They block our mail without telling you. For other problems with mail, write

We have two mailing lists. New members are automatically added to both lists but can unsubscribe from either or both.

The sjdm-members list is for communications about society business such as meetings and elections. This is a very low-volumue mailing list. If you are a member of this list and you are not getting mail about Society elections and other business, please check the list archives.

The jdm-society mailing list is much higher volume and is open to all for reading and posting, but moderated. If you do not get mail from this list for a while, check its archives.

In addition, Decision Science News often has the latest conference deadlines, jobs, and announcements.

2023-2024 Executive Board

Joe Simmons (, President 2024
Abigail Sussman (, Past President 2023
Don Moore (, President Elect 2025
Sudeep Bhatia (, Elected Member 2021-2024
Stephen Spiller (, Elected Member 2022-2025
Leif Nelson (, Elected Member 2023-2026
Bud Fennema (, Secretary-Treasurer
David J. Hardisty (, Webmaster
Jon Baron (, Journal Editor
Dan Goldstein (, Newsletter Editor
Jennifer Trueblood (, Program Chair 2024
Tyler MacDonald (, Student Representative 2023-2024

SJDM is a member of the Federation of Associations of Behavioral and Brain Sciences (FABBS).

Web site maintained by Dave Hardisty, Jon Westfall, Jon Baron, Dan Goldstein, & Sumitava Mukherjee, with help from others.
An SJDM website mirror/backup (without mailing lists) is available here.