We would like to honor Robin Hogarth in some fashion, who passed away earlier this year. From his time as a graduate student at the University of Chicago through much of his early career, Robin enjoyed an extraordinary friendship and collaboration with Hillel Einhorn, interrupted only by Hillel’s untimely passing in 1987. Together they established one of the first decision-making oriented programs in a business school while producing a series of important research contributions. We can only speculate about what they might have produced had their collaboration been able to continue.

Robin obviously went on to have a long and productive career, including serving as President of both the Society for Judgment and Decision Making and The European Association for Decision Making, as well as receiving EADM’s first Lifetime Contribution Award.

To recognize both their collaboration and Robin’s individual contributions, we have suggested some changes to the Society for Judgment and Decision Making’s Hillel Einhorn New Investigator Award. The Einhorn Award has been given annually since 1988, recognizing a contribution by a junior researcher. During much of this time, the award has been funded from the Society’s operating budget, which means it depends upon future conference income.

We suggested to the Society that it renames the Award the Einhorn-Hogarth New Investigator Award, recognizing both their individual and joint contributions to our field. We also suggested that the society establish an endowment to support the award.

Generously, Don Kleinmuntz and the Kleinmuntz Family Foundation have agreed to match the first $15,000 of contributions with a goal for the endowment of $30,000. We would like you to please consider making a gift to the endowment. Any size gift will help, so we leave the amount of the gift to your discretion.

Payment should be made to the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, with instructions that the gift be designated to the Einhorn-Hogarth Award endowment. Bud Fennema, the SJDM treasurer, will process all donations and provide an acknowledgement letter regards receipt of the gift and the tax deductibility of the gift.

If you have a larger gift (we hope) you can avoid transaction fees by sending a Zelle payment to, contacting Bud via email at to arrange an electronic transfer, or sending a check made out to the
Society for Judgment & Decision Making
c/o Bud Fennema
Arthur Andersen Professor of Accounting
Florida State University
Rovetta Business Room 526
821 Academic Way
P.O. Box 3061110
Tallahassee, FL 32306-1110

You can also make a donation via paypal (they charge us a % fee) using the button below:

Donate to the Robin Hogarth Memorial fund:


Elke Weber and Eric Johnson

Web page maintained by Dave Hardisty; image by Gaëlle Villejoubert.